DG Fisher Recording Now Available

Dear Systems & Control Division,

On Nov 30 ,We hosted a public webinar for the DG Fisher Award Lecture. Prof. Radhakrishna Mahadevan from the University of Toronto, this year’s winner, presented a lecture entitled “Modeling & Optimization of Metabolism for Sustainable Bioprocesses”. The webinar were recorded, and if you are interested in the talk, please click the link below to enjoy the talk.

DG Fisher Recording

DG Fisher Award Lecture (Webinar) Nov 30

Dear Systems & Control Division,

We will be hosting a public webinar for the DG Fisher Award Lecture on Nov 30 at 3 pm. Prof. Radhakrishna Mahadevan from the University of Toronto, this year’s winner, will present a 30 minute lecture (with lots of time for questions and discussion afterward), entitled “Modeling & Optimization of Metabolism for Sustainable Bioprocesses”

Bioprocess development for biofuels and biochemicals typically requires several rounds of engineering to meet process targets including product yield, titer and productivity, all of which impact the process economics. Advances in computational modeling techniques have allowed the development of genome-scale models of metabolism in several organisms. Such models have been the basis of several algorithms to engineer the metabolism of cells. In this talk, we present modeling and optimization methods that can be used to design proteins, cells and microbial communities. We will also describe computational methods for identifying new metabolic pathways, machine learning based methods to predict enzyme functions and its potential use in protein engineering and finally, describe methods for designing metabolism in microbes. These will include an approach based on orthogonality of the production pathways to growth and examine how such an approach can facilitate the dynamic metabolic engineering of strains for metabolite production.

Anyone can join to listen or watch via the following public MS Teams link (The MS Teams app is not required, free web-based versions and call-ins can be used):

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 647-749-9438,,249050543#   Canada, Toronto Phone Conference ID: 249 050 543#

Annual General Meeting

Dear Systems & Control division,

We will be having our annual general meeting (AGM) on Nov 19, 3-4pm EST on Teams. Please email Prof. Tom Adams ([email protected]) to register and we will send you the link.

All CSChE members are welcome to attend.

If you have an agenda item to discuss, please email Prof. Tom Adams ([email protected]).

The current draft agenda is as follows:

  1. Welcome and introductions

  2. Treasurer Report (Nicolas Hudon)
      a. Budget
      b. NEW initiative: monthly webinar series

  3. Chair’s Report (Tom Adams)
      a. LAPSE project
      b. eco-technoeconomic analysis (eTEA) ISO standard project 
      c. CCEC 2021 post mortem and plans for 2022
      d. Conference proceedings initiative
      e. DG Fisher Award Lecture