Grinding Plant Control Challenge 2022

Hi all,

The Gender and Diversity committee of the 19th IFAC Symposium on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing held in Montreal is organizing an online control competition to encourage undergrad and grad students to pursue careers in the field. This event will be hosted from March 7 to 18, 2022.

The goal of the challenge is to use your creativity to control the provided virtual grinding plant in a team of 1 to 4. During two weeks from March 7 to 18, 2022, each team will need to develop and test a control solution, and prepare 10 slides documenting the design. Each team must also write a 100-word essay on how equity, diversity and inclusion were considered by the team during the challenge or after to increase gender representation and diversity in mining control optimisation and automation.

Then, between May 9 and May 20, 2022, each group will present their solution to the jury through a 10-minute virtual presentation followed by a question period. The original submitted slides must be used. Scholarships of 1,000 CAD, 500 CAD and 250 CAD will be awarded to the first, second and third places, respectively.

To participate in the competition, the students must form their team and register to the competition by filling out the form. Registration will be open until the end of the competition on March 18, 2022. The teams will need access to Matlab-Simulink software. If they don’t, the free 30-day trial offered by MathWorks could be used.

For any questions about the challenge, feel free to contact us at [email protected]


The 2022 Grinding Plant Control Challenge Organizing Committee

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