CSChE 2023 — Systems and Control Division Symposium — Abstracts Submission — Extended Deadline: July 3rd, 2023

Hi all, 

The 2023 CSChE will be held in Calgary from October 29th to November 1st.  This year, the Systems and Control Division Program will be organized as a Symposium by Prof Biao Huang and Prof Nicolas Hudon.   

We received a fairly good number of abstracts for the Systems and Control Division Symposium by the June 19thdeadline.  Thank you for your contributions so far. 

 Two important announcements about the symposium:  

The invited keynote speaker for this year is Prof Prodromos Daoutidis (University of Minnesota) who will present a talk titled “Efficient solution of large-scale control and optimization problems: network science meets artificial intelligence”.

The DG Fischer lecture will be delivered by Prof Vinay Prasad (University of Alberta) who will present a talk titled “Decoding reaction complexity using process systems engineering”.  Please join me in congratulating Vinay for the award! 

As we are beginning the review process for the symposium:  please contact Prof Nicolas Hudon ([email protected]) directly if you submitted your abstract by mistake to a different session (I know the names of some sessions were confusing), we will seek to get your submissions back to the Division’s program.

Finally, the organizing committee decided to grant an extension for submissions. The final deadline to submit your abstract to CSChE2023 is July 3rd, 2023.  The website for the conference is:

To submit your abstract, use the Program tab under “Submit your Abstract”.  When submitting your abstract, be sure to select “Systems and Control Division Symposium”, from where you will be able to select one of the four themes: 

  • Chemical Process Modelling, Control, and Optimization
  • Statistical Process Control and Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • PSE in Process Intensification, Energy Management and the Environment