Membership Benefits

When you become a member of the CSChE, be sure to select the Systems & Control division as your primary division! We receive a small amount of funding for each member in order to carry on society activities. In addition to all of the benefits of CSChE membership, you also receive…

Exciting Additional Benefits for S&C Division Members

  • EXCLUSIVE TO OUR DIVISION: 20% Discount for publications in the journal Processes! Find out how below.

What we do with membership fees:

Membership fees are primarily used for:


How members can get 20% off article publication charges in Processes

The S&C Division is now an affiliate society of the journal Processes
  1. When submitting your research manuscript to Processes, write in the cover letter that you are entitled to a 20% discount from CSChE Systems & Control division membership, and provide your CSChE member number.
  2. Proceed through the submission and review process as normal.
  3. If your article is accepted for publication, ensure that the 20% discount on article publication charges has been applied. If not, contact the editor or editorial assistant.