D. G. Fisher Award 2024: Congratulations to Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval

Dear members of the Canadian Systems and Control Community,

Please join me in congratulating Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval from the University of Waterloo for the 2024 D. G. Fisher Award. Official announcement for the award can be found here:


Luis will deliver the award lecture as part of the Systems and Control Division Symposium at the 2024 CSChE Conference in Toronto. Stay tuned for
the official program.

In the meantime, congratulations Luis!


Nicolas Hudon, Associate Professor

Department of Chemical Engineering — Dupuis Hall

Queen’s University

19 Division Street

Kingston, ON


tel.: +1 613-533-2787

fax: +1 613-533-6637

CSChE 2024 — Deadline for submission extended

Hi all,

Thank you for those of you who already sent their contributions to the Systems and Control Symposium at CSChE 2024 in Toronto. 

We have a pretty good number of submissions so far, but it is not too late. The “Last Chance Deadline” is Monday, May 13.


Looking forward to seeing you in Toronto.
